Bränn bort allt detta som jag växt ifrån

Inflicted by the powers of pretense
A gaping wound through the ideals of man
A welcome diversion from reality
A thought made me sick to the stomach
Stupid and lying, these uncaring mongrels
They hold for you no thought or love
Taking ideals from the worst of our kind
Spreading their filth through superficial attraction
Carving their place in our hearts with their bodies
An empty husk, devoid of real feelings
How I loathe that face and figure
The essence of all that is wrong
Are we giving in to those who care not for us
But value only themselves?
My brother has already fallen
To the lure of the siren, so innocent
The taste of their love is sweet, yet untrue
So the fools who can't see
Fall prey to their greed
And they go about, spreading their disease
A thirst for attention, the need to exploit
Their smiling faces, oh so vain
For I can see the truth of their game

It bulges inside that black cloth
What I want is what I cannot have
For I am not that kind of person
And you simply don't think that way
It rests inside there, unseen
As it will always be by me
I hate it, I hate it, I hate them all
I loathe it from the core of my heart
But it's the only thing I can think about
When love runs through my heart


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