Always and never
Will I hold out these hands to you
For all these words are one
And nothing in your eyes
I'm desperately trying
To tear down the walls
That separate us all
And the both of us
But if you would build them up again
Then they will stand beside you
And the friends who I thought ran through my blood
Were nothing but a dream
And the words I saw
Can not live anymore
'Cause that's not how you think
I'll believe in the world in front of me
When I believe your words
So swim in the pond
With your ducks so high
I am the non-believer
As the last fateful grace from your god
Comes straight pouring down
Delivering this last night
With the love of your life
With my last breath of air as my world
Comes straight crumbling down
Would I give you this last night?
The love of my life