It is what we all strive for
It is what we all fear
It is what brought us into this world
And it is what will finally take us from it
It is that which tears apart nations
And causes mountains to crumble
The want for change is what causes war
Expectance of change is what causes anticipation
But above all
Lack of change is what breaks hearts

I see the light that is the end of the tunnel
I smell the fresh air of the outside world
I feel the winds of rebirth, tugging at my hair
I hear the laughter of them both
And now the picture is complete
More beautiful than I had ever thought
The final omen has been showed
The final straw has been drawn
I walk towards a brand new dawn
I'll be united with my soul
For I know there's justice in this world
And I know there's purpose to us all
I am content as I move on
Along the trajectory of fate
We are all winding down the road
The turns are never anticipated
But as long as we stand tall
We will see another dawn
There is a white light in my soul
It shows what I had never known
For all that's right there's something wrong
For all that's tainted something pure
But this is justice absolute
It is all balanced in the end
The world becomes an equilibrium
Hai all!
Jag är ganska utmattad nu, sov bara två-tre timmar i natt, jag var nämligen hos Johan M och lanade med honom och Ricky. Det jag gjorde var mest att äta kakor (istället för godis) och spela team swat, vilket gick ganska bra, som bäst fick jag en overkill och killing frenzy på samma match :D
Sedan som jag i ett par timmar och var efter det i princip död, vilket jag brukar bli efter lan :P
Idag var det tänkt att jag skulle lana hos Tobias, men han är så himla random så nu blir det tydligen inget utan vi ska äta pizza istället :P
Nu tror jag att jag ska ta en dusch och vila lite
-The hammer will crack the anvil
Realize all their fears
The blinded will see the light
I will no longer shed tears
Jag är ond
Jag vet att jag gör fel, men jag gör det ändå
Jag vet att mina tankar inte är som de borde
Jag vet att mina ideal är felvända
Men jag kan inte hjälpa det
Jag har förstört mer än ett liv, fast jag visste precis vad jag gjorde
Jag vill släppa det
Men jag kan inte
Jag vill inte såra dig
Men jag måste
När världen störtat runtomkring mig så vet jag
Jag är ond
Home - Dream Theatre

Mine - is the hour
Thine - is the fire
Inclined - to retire
You're found - 11th hour
Living without it
Is living without fear
I can't understand why
I took this with me home
Home - it's where she belongs now
Home - where we both belong
Revival - it flows through me
Another scene turns to memory
Perfection - eternally
An angel I found, and she found me
I'm dying
And I'm crying
And everything is as it shouldn't be
You're lying
Not rhyming
Escaped from the mist now at last
I remember the night we became one
Looked into her eyes and smiled
I remember I was told there's a new love that's born
For each one that has died...
I remember I was told there's a new love that's born
For each one that has died...
I never thought that I
Could find my home once again
But there's no escaping it
Even if I would try
Living that other life
Was getting me nowhere
I've made this my life
A vague scent calls me home
Home... It's what I long for
My home... where we belong
Her embrace means so much to me
Even deceiving my own creed
And as she watches and thoughtfully smiles
She's taken me to my home
Help, I had promised, but i want this
Love, and compassion
It's calling me back to my home
Her glory - it holds the key
Unlocking dreams from my mind
Cherish this memory
It's everything that's a part of me
Not a decision, it's a mission
This is what was always my life
Unfolding, before me
She's calling me back to my HOME

I'm insane
Want to smell this
I'm insane
Want to touch this
I'm insane
Want to feel this
I'm insane
Want to kiss this
I am sane
Want to kill this
Esbjörn Svensson Trio
Jag har hittat en ny jätteskön grupp; Esbjörn Svensson Trio, de är en jazzgrupp som eh, spelar jazzmusik.

Kolla in dem!
-The truth is ugly
But the truth will set you free

-We all could use a hug from time to time
To make the words of kindness rhyme
We search for that which is heat and passion
While all we need is kind compassion
The softest and most gentle touch
Can make the gates of my heart budge
Together lika a tangeled cord
Strike a beautiful accord
Acceptance and confirmation
To rest here in emancipation
And let out one last fluttering sigh
Completion and perfection nigh
I could use a hug right now
To pull me up when I am down
We all could use a hug from time to time
To make the words of kindness rhyme
We search for that which is heat and passion
While all we need is kind compassion
The softest and most gentle touch
Can make the gates of my heart budge
Together lika a tangeled cord
Strike a beautiful accord
Acceptance and confirmation
To rest here in emancipation
And let out one last fluttering sigh
Completion and perfection nigh
I could use a hug right now
To pull me up when I am down
No ways

-I often wonder what purpose is
Is it that quality of life which spurs us into action
Or is it that which tells us what we must do
I wonder how I can deserve a place amongst those who I despise
And step into the acceptance of others
I am rather like a nomad
A jagged nomad in my own psychosocial surroundings
Constant wandering, is that my fate
All the while at rest with respect to the observers
They are growing into enigmatic ideals
Worshiping the image that was thrown at them
(to inspire devotion and induce worship)
My shadow is thrown upon a white wall
It is very much a reflection of my personal queries
I often wonder what my purpose in your life is
To be that quality of life which makes you smile
Or to direct you to the path which leads home again
I wonder how I can deserve a place beside you, whom I despised
And step out of my own shadow
Yes, I am a nomad in constant peril of mental distress
It is to be expected at this point of our story
But for now I will rest a while
And upon these white walls I will paint a new story
More beautiful and glorious than ever before
And we shall see if I will wander again

-Lying here, covered in snow
Swept away by the undertow
Notion of time begins to fade
I'm not in expectance of any aid
The sounds of distant children laughing
Come to you like lambs to slaughter
I see what others do not see
The laughter of a girl and boy
Brings me naught in ways of joy
Trapped in endless soliloquy
Death, spiraling downwards again
A lifetime of efforts in the drain
Every day walking through acid rain
Persistence through challenge, all in vain
Diminished to an appendix of this picture
The abyssal mouths begin to ricture
Leaving another failure behind
Darkness sets upon my mind
I fade, to rest forever peacefully in the tender caress of perpetual snow
White Walls

-We need worship
We need devotion
Becoming gods from the image that is thrown out into their everyday lives
They want to see a freezeframe of something much greater than they could ever afford
In the end all they see is the image that is thrown at them to inspire worship
They can't see the whole picture and so they build their on
Based on the image that was purposely built to induce devotion
And so they have worship
And so they have devotion
All they wanted
Achieved by lying
But it can't
Stop them from dying
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 BtBaM <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Morutter är oranga
Morutter är små
Morutter kan man cruncha
Och äta på
Utan morutter vore livet
Väldigt tomt och uvergivet
Då skulle jag blott vara
En liten kille som endast bara
Åt broccoli och annan skit
Och inte var ett dugg elit
Nej tacka vet jag morutter
Godare än Martin Luther
Kan man inte länka filmer längre? :S
Aja :
Dream Theatre - Surrounded
-Dreams are shaking, set sirens waking up tired eyes
With the light and memories all rushing to his head
It's been a long, long time, he's had a while to think it over
In the end he only sees the change, light to dark, dark to light, light to dark, dark to light
From an ivory tower he hears her call:
Let light surround you
Älskar texten som ni kanske märkt :)
Heejdå :D

Den här bloggen är dedikerad till BFF's (Best friends forever) världen över.
BFF's är sådana människor som har det där lilla extra som kan göra så mycket för att förgylla vardagen, sådana som man inte skulle klara sig utan och sådana som alltid är där för en.
Pontus är en sådan männsika.
Vi möttes när vi började sjuan på norrhammar tillsammans. Vi märkte snabbt att vi var tvillingsjälar, båda var vi stora tänkare, både analytiskt och filosofiskt, mentalt framstående och brinnande för intellektuell stimulans.
Nu som vi påbörjar vårt nionde akademiska läsår, så är jag glad att jag har en sådan vän att lita på, och söka förtoende i. Jag tror aldrig att jag kommer att finna en person som är så liksinnad som Pontus, och med vilken jag kan dela så kopiöst mycket som med honom.
För att avsluta så länkar jag till Pontus favoritlåt ^^

När jag var på Dreamhack med Pontus ^^
P.S. Jag var med Pontus på gymmet idag, han tog 85 i bänk, grattis Pontus! :)